République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie

Group leaders junior or mid-career level

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  • Type d'offre : CDD
  • Ville : Paris-Saclay (France)
  • Statut : Recrutement en cours
Date d'arrivée à l'ITMO : Lundi 03 Octobre 2022

group leaders

The Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience (NeuroPSI) is seeking to recruit new talented group
leaders at junior or mid-career level NeuroPSI   (neuropsi.cnrs.fr)   is   an   institute   dedicated   to   fundamental   research   in neuroscience  at  Paris-Saclay  University  (25  km  South-West  of  Paris).  The  NeuroPSI research groups are organized in three thematic departments and address a wide range of questions in  neuroscience,  from  molecules  to  cognition  and  from  embryos  to  adults, using multiscale experimental and theoretical approaches. NeuroPSI recently moved to a brand-new building next to the NeuroSpin institute for brain imaging,  thus  forming the largest neuroscience cluster in the Paris area.
NeuroPSI will provide new groups with office and laboratory space and access to state- of-the-art core   facilities   for   histology,   light   microscopy,   transcriptomics,   behavioral
analysis, and data analysis, as well as animal facilities for aquatic and terrestrial species.


Additional omics and imaging platforms are also available in close proximity. Paris-Saclay
University is the highest ranked university in France and provides a highly interdisciplinary and
collaborative environment combining science and engineering teaching with excellent laboratories in fundamental and applied science.


Candidates  are expected  to  develop  independent  research  programs  in  neuroscience. Projects in developmental neurobiology are particularly welcome in this call but we aim at recruiting several  candidates  in  different  fields  of  neuroscience.  This  includes  animal behavior, neurogenetics,   comparative   neuroscience,   neurophysiology   and   systems neuroscience, as well as neuro-informatics and computational neuroscience. Candidates must either already hold a permanent position in a French national research organization or meet the criteria for applying for a position in the CNRS or University. Joining NeuroPSI as a group leader is conditional on successful candidates securing external funding (ERC, ATIP,  ANR,  FRM,  etc.).  The  institute will  also  provide  a  starting  package.  NeuroPSI  is committed to respecting equal gender opportunities.

Applicants  should  upload  a  single  pdf  file (max 5 pages) including a CV, a description of
their  scientific  achievements  and  research program.  Applicants  should  also  ask  three
referees   to  upload   their   recommendation letters.

The  deadline  for  application  is  December 5th, 2022  (https://neuropsi.cnrs.fr/ao2023).
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed at the   beginning   of   March   2023   and   final
decisions   will   be   communicated   shortly after.


For inquiries, contact: francois.rouyer@universite-paris-saclay.fr

